The Cadette Cybersecurity Safeguards Class explores and introduces Scouts to the importance of keeping your personal information private online and how you can keep your data secure.
SteamTanq has qualified and certified Girl Scout Volunteers who are experts in STEM, computing and cybersecurity who have developed unique curriculum and materials to teach Scouts through games, instruction, and hands-on projects. Scouts will be guided through these concepts by our experts on-site.
This course satisfies all requirements for the Girl Scout Cadette Safeguards Basics badge including:
- Guard your identity – Know what your digital identity is so that you have a target for protection
- Create a profile based on your interests – Create an identity based on your interests and see how identifiable information can reveal more than you’d think
- Learn about metadata – Learn how attackers seem to know information about people or places without ever talking to someone
- Shop for apps in a life-sized app store – Discover the potential for seemingly normal apps to be entryways for attackers to steal information and how to protect yourself
- Inventory your digital presence – Review your personal digital presence and explore the risk of your online data
Fees for the class are per Scout. Materials will be provided on site and a minimum of four Scouts is required per class.