The Cadette Cybersecurity Investigator Class explores and introduces Scouts to solving a series of fictional cyber crimes using what you know about cybersecurity.
SteamTanq has qualified and certified Girl Scout Volunteers who are experts in STEM, computing and cybersecurity who have developed unique curriculum and materials to teach Scouts through games, instruction, and hands-on projects. Scouts will be guided through these concepts by our experts on-site.
This course satisfies all requirements for the Girl Scout Cadette Cybersecurity Investigator badge including:
- Find clues in text messages – Analyze information within text messages to determine people, places, times and sensitive data through careful review of hidden clues
- Identify phishing emails – Be a “spoof sleuth” and discover what makes malicious emails believable and how to spot them before it can do major data damage
- Learn how hackers use social media – Ever wonder the easiest way to get information from someone? Have them tell it to you! Explore social media and how privacy becomes a grey area for attackers and data miners
- Analyze log files – Pick through the puzzle and try and build an actual attack map to find out the path the malicious software took
- Protect your identity from hackers – Are people looking to steal YOUR identity or ANY identity? Learn common problem areas and misconceptions about what data is secure and isn’t
Fees for the class are per Scout. Materials will be provided on site and a minimum of four Scouts is required per class.